Well, if we are suggesting alternatives, perhaps you may want to consider
adapting this:


On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Gary Aitken <a...@dreamchaser.org> wrote:

> On 09/02/13 13:32, Judy Wilson wrote:
> > First, let me say how much I have appreciated the help I've gotten
> > throughout the years from this list! I'm a 70 year old woman living
> > in Belize, my husband and I do websites (he's the programmer), I love
> > the graphic aspect, though he's good at that, too. We have been
> > open-source users and supporters for over 10 years, sponsored
> > Software Freedom Day in Belize in 2006 and 2007. We use Ubuntu, GIMP,
> > and Inkscape applications, he uses all kinds of programming
> > languages, of course. Kudos to everyone contributing to this list and
> > the open source movement.
> >
> > My question: I would like to put a "watermark" of my logo on images,
> > and I can do so with the Map, Bump Map Filter. However, the location
> > of the bump map is a problem. At 0 on the X and Y Offset sliders, it
> > goes into the upper left hand corner. OK. The problem is the sliders
> > only move to -1000, and my images are often larger than that, and I
> > want to put the bump map into the lower right hand corner, and the
> > sliders will not allow that. Typing in the numbers doesn't work, and
> > moving the bump map in the preview with the middle mouse button
> > doesn't work. Of course if I make the images smaller I can get it
> > into the right hand lower corner, but I want to use the larger image.
> > Any solution for this, or do I have to just live with this ...
> > defect(?) for now. Thank you!
> I can't address the bump map issue, but I've attached a script I
> recently wrote to add a watermark to an image in the lower right corner.
> I'm sure others have done similar things long ago but I've found it
> useful; it can be used in batch mode or via the ui.  Just stick it in
> your .gimp-2.8/scripts folder.  It will appear under "garya" on the main
> menu bar; you probably will want to change that label :-) and the
> default watermark file name/location.
> Gary
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