On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Thomas Taylor wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:53:40 -0700 (PDT)
> Monica Thomson wrote:
>> Recently got a new computer, and one of the first things I did was to upload
>> the latest GIMP. My Wacom Bamboo Pen tablet doesn't work completely with it.
>> EVERYTHING worked perfectly on my old computer (Windows 7, Gimp 2.6, same
>> tablet). I currently have Windows 8, Gimp 2.8, same tablet. After removing
>> 2.8 at one point, I tried 2.6 again...hoping it would work then...nope. I've
>> also downloaded the most recent tablet driver from Wacom...still nothing.
>> What happens is that the program opens and I'm able to actually move the pen
>> around the tablet and have the mouse and clicking options. I'm able to
>> "paint". BUT...I'm not able to change pressure settings, which is highly
>> important for what I need. I've gone through the all of the forums I could
>> find on this. Most say to go through Edit; Preferences; Input Devices, and
>> make sure that the tablet is selected. It doesn't even show up there. I'm
>> just about at my wit's end now....and I NEED to get some commissions done.
>> -Monica
> Hi Monica,
> Microsoft did a complete re-write of the code base between win 7 and win 8.
> Also be aware that windows support for anything not the "latest and greatest"
> has some serious flaws.  Apple OSX and Linux have extensive support for older
> hardware (and usually software).  For some reason MS seems to think that the
> code has to change every 2-5 years instead of just adding/improving things.
> That's why one must buy newer versions of software programs to be "compatible"
> with the new version of MS.


GIMP 2.8 relies on a newer version of GTK+ where advanced input
devices support on Windows is broken beyond repair.

If painting is crucial, the recommendation is to install GIMP 2.6 and
use it until the port to GTK+3 is done.

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