On 11/03/13 17:53, Ian H wrote:
> I recently encountered a very frustrating situation and am wondering
> if it's a bug or "feature".
> I was working on an image, it was quite big, 7000 px wide, 6000 tall
> but only 5 quite simple layers, the .xcf is 7.8MB.
> All of a sudden after pasting from another .xcf file (which I had just
> 10+ times with no similar result) I moved the pasted part, the image
> was pretty much finished and I went up to click file>export and
> everything between "open recent" and "quit" in the file menu was grey.
> No chance to save or export and it appears half an hour of work lost.
> It was as if the file menu didn't think I had a file open, but if I
> scrolled accross to the filters menu for example, they were available
> for selection which they are not when you have no image open. I could
> edit the image and change layer visibilities and do what I wanted to
> the image - except save it. I had flash backs to darker days of
> shareware version of lesser softer titles on proprietary systems. In a
> moment of frustration I hit the little "x" to resign for the night and
> it warned me to save before closing.. I hit save as the only option
> was to overwrite a file I didn;t really want to overwrite but I did
> and then wrote this.
> Any ideas? It's 2.8.6 running on an up to date ubuntu 13.10 on a high end PC.

To at least save the work and preserve the original, rename the original 
.xcf file outside of gimp, then do the save before quitting.

I am running 2.8.6 on fbsd and have never seen this.  I have images a 
lot larger than that (41,000 x 3,000 px) and have had no problem other
than running out of temp file space.  In that case, the gimp warned me
and I reconfigured; so I don't think it is related to the image size.

Were there any error messages in the console display?

I don't know under what circumstances the items under the file menu are 
greyed out other than no image; even if the image is read-only they are 
still active, so it's a total mystery to me.  It does sound like it 
somehow got its head wedged thinking no file was open.

I presume you can't reproduce the problem?

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