I'm agree with jankardel, :)

I prefer to keep the xcf, when I wanna save (i.e. by pressing ctrl+s) my
gimp project.

Then when I wanna export it to any other filetype (png, jpeg, gif, pdf etc)
I prefer push the ctrl+E for exporting it..

But, maybe the gimp developer should add a feature to reassign the shortcut
for commands, so if some buddy has their own preferably shortcut, they can
assign it by them self.. :)

Best Regard,
Alvin Hikmawan

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On Jan 3, 2014 7:45 AM, "Steve Kinney" <ad...@pilobilus.net> wrote:

> On 01/02/2014 06:17 PM, akovia wrote:
> > I've watched these threads come an go and I must be missing something.
> > When this new behavior first arrived, like everyone else I was used to
> > the old way and having to learn a new work-flow is never fun. Regardless
> > I just figured this was the way it was going to be so I adopted it
> > immediately. At this point I can't even remember exactly how things used
> > to work as the new way is now ingrained in my work-flow. What is so hard
> > about Ctrl+o to overwrite, or Shift-Ctrl+e to export?
> B-B-B-But, control-e just isn't the same!  They say it's the same
> but it isn't.
> If I do control-e to save my image as a JPEG, then try to close the
> file...
> I have to, to, to.... discard the state of the image in the editor!
> They make me alt-d to close the image!
> WHY, WHY, WHY in the name of God have they done this to me?
> WHY did they have to RUIN my LIFE?!
> /rant
> :o)
> Steve
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