On 28.07.2014 18:55, Maxeem wrote:

> But one of the absolute best ways to pick color has been clicking on the
> present colors to get the color dialogue, so you can work with the pallet
> and get any visible on-screen color, which is one of the most amazing and
> useful tools built into 2.6 that *is lost* in 2.8, according to some. Like
> DSunhammer, I have the same bug — where (I guess) someone simply forgot to
> change the present selection to the color detected. It just makes the
> present selection pure black #000000. So close to being useful!

Could be bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=676708,
depending on your platform (it as been reported for and confirmed on
Windows XP). There's also some other bug report with this symptom in the
bug tracker.

> Otherwise, pretty great work on the new version in all other aspects, and I
> look forward to the next version where hopefully our great in-dialog color
> picker returns! (Any chance for a patch?)

If it is that bug, then there's a patch attached to it - to cairo. Not
sure if the cairo developers have applied it yet.

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