Tikiman wrote:
Hello to all I am a very new user of Linux and the supplied Gimp program. I
tried out my printer (Canon Pixma MG5550) in gthumb and Gimp by printing a
borderless 6 x 4 photo. I changed the settings in the print tab to read Glossy
photo paper and size as borderless 6 x 4 and also the orientation to suit my
needs. The photo printed okay BUT there is a small border about 8mm at the top
and 2mm at the bottom of the photo.in portrait style. This did not happen when I
had Win XP and Arcsoft software and after checking as much as I can I am unable
to locate a solution.
Does anyone know why this happens and can it be resolved?. I would appreciate
some help with this please.
many thanks

What are the dimensions of the photo? Many digital cameras produce images with a 4:3 ratio, which doesn't exactly fit the 3:2 ratio of 6x4 paper. Either a border has to be left along the shorter edges or part of the image has to be cropped from the longer edges.

I'm not sure if that decision would be down to the software or printer driver, but either way it's possible that GIMP / Linux driver takes the former option so that no part of the image is lost, while Arcsoft / Windows driver may have taken the latter option to produce a truly borderless print at the expense of losing part of the image.

Try cropping the photo in GIMP so that it does have a 3:2 ratio before printing. Also check File > Page Setup in GIMP to ensure it is not adding margins. If that still leaves a border, I suspect it would be more down to the printer or driver rather than GIMP.

Hope that helps.
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