Hello, gimp users, developers

I am one of organizators of Club of learning open source graphic
applications in Belarus, called Ars Nova
You can read more here http://falanster.by/en/node/853

In my country open source graphic programs are not very popular so we
(organization Falanster) want to change that.

What do I want from gimp-community?
- I want to make online bridges about 20-30 min with gimp-users,
developers (1 person for 1 online meeting).. and to speak about their
work with Gimp.
+ This bridges will be hold during the club meeting (each Wednesday
19.00 (GMT+3)), so about 2-15 people will have opportynity to listen to it.
+ Also every week during 3 monthes I will make anounce to the next club
meetings and make reports, so I will write about this online-bridges
with you (gimp-user, developer), mentioning your name, your contribution
and so on in belarusian and russian languages.

We can chose any topic to disscusion, that you would like or want to
talk to connecting with Gimp.

If you want to hepl us and participete in online bridges, please write
me directly
to svet.ermakov...@pirates.by


gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:    gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

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