On 05/19/2016 23:33, acctingman wrote:
> Hello
> Just downloaded GIMP yesterday and I need help with transparency 
> In the attachment, the little open area (that is white) I need it to be
> transparent so I can see another numbered dial that it will go on top of.
> I know nothing about image editing, so this is a big request and more than 
> happy
> and willing to do my homework.
> Could someone break down how to make that little area transparent (while 
> keeping
> all the icons and lettering on the dial remain white)?
> Thank you
> Attachments:
> * http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/245/original/base.png

Use the cut tool to remove that section, or the eraser tool to make to
erase the color and leave a transparent section.


example modification using eraser tool:



Joseph A. Nagy, Jr.
Owner, Trinity Electrical & Handyman Services

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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