>I 'm using Gimp 2.8.18 and when i try to use the Heal selection filter
>appears the next message:
>    Error while executing script-fu-smart-remove
>    Error: eval: unbound variable: plug-in synthesizer
>I've searched a lot and I don't still find the solution.

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This error? http://imgur.com/a/fsaFq so assuming OS = Windows of some sort

Two issues.

1. You do not have the resynthesizer plugin installed.

2. You are using an outdated script. A more recent python plugin will work

I did bundle everything one time.

Get http://www.mediafire.com/download/gwc928wmwti30g3/resynth_win_32_64.zip

unzip and put 3 files, plugin-heal-selection.py, resynthesizer.exe,
resynthesizer-gui.exe into .gimp-2.8\plug-ins.

Choose the appropriate 32/64 bit versions.

Remove the old smart-remove.scm file to prevent conflicts.

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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