On 01/11/16 12:30, Ofnuts wrote:
On 31/10/16 08:34, FierySwordswoman wrote:
Straight to the point. The Autocrop layer function is weird.
Take something simple
for X in image.layers:
     pdb.plug_in_autocrop_layer(image, X)
and it still doesn't work, giving a variety of strange bugs.

Looks like a bug in plugin-autocrop-layer. It crops the active layer using the crop coordinates computed on the target layer. Just reported it on bugzilla.gnome.org: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=773774

And the reply is.... working as designed (devs admit it's brain dead, though :) So just change your code to do

for X in image.layers:
     pdb.plug_in_autocrop_layer(image, X)

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