
On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 3:32 AM, Mark Morin <mdmp...@gwi.net> wrote:
> Works fine on my windows 10 64bit using Partha's 2.9  build. Drag the
> image file over the icon and I see "open with ....."

I see several messages saying it works using Partha's build. Does it
mean it does not work using the upstream build from gimp.org? If so,
do we have to do something to have this working out of the box on our
official build, and could you tell us what, please?
Thank you.


> On 11/3/2016 7:00 AM, black-explorer wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 1:06 PM, black-explorer <for...@gimpusers.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> What do you mean "No"? Can you please explain?
>>> I said that on Windows (in my case Windows 10, 64-bit), GIMP will open
>>> the
>>> image if you drag the image on top of the GIMP icon on your desktop.
>>> The
>>> additional point I mentioned is that it is with respect to my builds
>>> available at my website.
>> No, I don't have the drag and drop behaviour in my Windows 10 / Gimp 2.8.18
>> setup.
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