>I need make some basic image editing, preferably in nondestructive
>way. I have template with guidelines and image (.tif), I opened both
>as separate layers. I need crop rectangular selection from image and
>place it into the template. Should I trim image or make selection,
>copy and paste it into the template?  Also, I want make rectangular
>selection on template and fill it with pattern. How to make this?

The first thing to consider is your template. Is it for printing? Is it a
suitable size in pixels and ppi?

I think you will be better off opening the template and images separately.

Select and copy in the image and paste-as-a-new-layer in the template. That way
is more-or-less non-destructive.

The pasted layers can be moved around the template and if View -> Snap to guides
is on will do that, snap to a guide.

Pasted selection too large? It can be cropped, the crop tool will also snap to
guides. Make sure current-layer-only is enabled. see first attachment.

Pasted too small? The pasted layer can be scaled in place and after scaling
cropped if required. see second attachment.

Finished result is third attachment, but final comment, there are other better
ways of making a, using layer masks.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/356/original/crop-layer.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/357/original/scaled.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/358/original/finished.jpg

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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