On 02/05/2017 10:56 AM, Michal Vašut wrote:
> I've got an impression, that devs (or Gimp core devs / management - but not
> only Gimp ones) has priorities to introduce cool new features, which is not
> wrong, but they forget the basics - improve user working quality / make it
> easier for user.

I've seen these topics appear every now and then I usually don't
participate, because I don't have the time.   However, I wanted to chime
in and write I think GIMP is great software, right now.  In fact, I
think it's awesome software.  It's not perfect and has its bugs/issues
but I think the things it _can_ do really overshadow its deficiencies. 
Here's the thing: from what I've read, over the years, the GIMP
developers aren't trying to create a PhotoShop clone or replacement.
Yes, there are similarities to PhotoShop in its feature set and in the
functions it performs, but GIMP is an image manipulation tool, in its
own right.  Clearly, people want it to be a "PhotoShop clone" so they
won't have to pay for PhotoShop (regardless of it not being affordable
or lack of interest in spending the money).

I've used GIMP for years now and haven't tapped into the majority of its
functionality.  The functions I have used and tend to use most often
work well, or at least well enough for me.  I think if people took the
time to learn how to use GIMP, the experience wouldn't be as bad or
troublesome as many complain about.

I haven't used PhotoShop very often and the few times I have used it, I
felt as completely lost and confused as the first time I tried GIMP.



/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../
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