On 24/02/17 10:20, rich2005 wrote:
Thank you for your response. Yeah I'm not merging the font, but just
that when I use the scale tool the text layer turns into an image
layer though the scale tool is the only tool that seems to do what I
want for editing the size of the font.
You are not using the on-canvas editing. Highlight - click and swipe - portions
of text and change the properties. see screenshots

change font http://i.imgur.com/JSia7gw.jpg

change size http://i.imgur.com/YStpCYk.jpg

change colour http://i.imgur.com/uQ5NQ7S.jpg

addn more text http://i.imgur.com/VKo02wE.jpg

You do need to differentiate between global changes using the text tool options
and the canvas text tool dialog. Plenty how-to's around, a bit old but this is


rich: www.gimp-forum.net

The OP wants to stretch the font horizontally...

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