Hello all,
I'm new to photo editing, especially gimp so I was hoping to get some help
with this. My new job would require me to scrub images like this down on a
somewhat regular basis (down to bare floor plan), what would be the best way to
go about it? Basically I just need to delete all of the black, but when I try to
the edges stay gray (Inherent to BMP's I'd guess). Also when I select just the
black, after I delete it the selectors stay visible. Any help would be
appreciated and I apologize for my ignorance. Thanks. PS, if there Isn't enough
resolution in the picture I could host one else where.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/505/original/floorplan.jpg

fender6strat (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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