...I think JohnHaley wished to add the plug-in BIMP to his already-existing 
GIMP application...


I do not see  BIMP in my repositories, so apparently one needs to download the 
source from:

and then create binary from that and then add it to the GIMP plugin directories 
(for locations see
your Edit->Preferences, and expand the Folders section, looking for Plug-ins 
(probably) or Scripts (possibly)  ).


show how to "make" the binary and "...Install" it in your system.

Note: they both indicate that a couple of libraries need to be present on your 
system for this to work.
Both files were available in my repo.s (for Lubuntu 16.10), so that should not 
be an issue for you.

If the above sites are not clear enough or there are problems, just Google 
"BIMP for Ubuntu", as I did,
and you will probably find what you need.

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