My partner is using the latest release of Gimp and Windows 10.  I have no
idea of why this problem is taking place and since I am not an expert in
W-10 or Gimp, I am asking for help.

First, she finds a gif image that she wants to use with Gimp and she stores
in a file on the HDD of her system.  She then opens Gimp, goes to File,
clicks on Open, puts the name of the gif in Search, and has it search in
All Files, then tells it to Open.

The Gimp search facility runs and comes back with a result that she cannot
use because of the file extension that is added to the file name.  The
result comes back as    filename.gif.lnk  instead of what had been the
result until 24 hours ago, which was two results that appeared to be
related   filename.lnk and filename.gif   It was easy enough for her to
pick the     filename.gif   file because it was a result.  She is dyslexic
and has a difficult time looking at the listing of images in her images

Can anyone please tell me how I can fix this problem for her?

Thank you for your consideration.


*"It's so nice to know so many nice people."*

*---Eddie Gallaher (1914-2003)     Radio Personality, Washington, DC
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