On 05/05/2017 06:01 PM, Casey Connor wrote:
> Hi -- I'm trying to do some simple work on a 0.5GP image in GIMP 2.9.5
> (on Linux). (Image is ~23k by 22k pixels, 16bit RGBA).

I don't think this will solve the problem you described, but I have
found that clearing the undo history after every operation done on open
files frees a lot of memory in cases where there is /almost/ too much
data for the system to cope with.

Another possibility:  Crop the images you are trying to merge down to
just the bits that overlap, process those, then add the cropped parts
back in.  Again, this might not be practical in your situation, but it's
all I can think to suggest from similar problems I have run into.

If friend with a more powerful box will let you do this thing on that
machine, a USB stick and a copy of the portable version of the GIMP
might do the trick...


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