On 05/16/2017 10:41 AM, programmer_ceds wrote:
>> BTW, this would have been more suitable for the gimp-developer mailing
>> list.
> I'm not a member of the gimp-developer mailing list - perhaps I should join -
> can I join?

Yes, you should, and yes, you can - it is a mailing list, so all you
need is an email address and a web browser to go to:


There is an alternative:

Being on IRC can be even more helpful, especially if you need advice in
real-time if you are trying to figure out how some code works *right now*.

Most of the discussions alongside GIMP development actually happen on
IRC, the server is irc.gimp.org and the channel is #gimp. Make sure you
can join during European evenings and be prepared to stay for hours at a

> There is a speed penalty so it might be as well to add an option to 
> Preferences
> to allow the user to turn this feature off. But even then the behavior of the
> views would not be consistent as the airbrush would (unless modified from its
> current behaviour) still update the additional views as it is used.

Well, this would be a whole new paradigm of behavior being introduced,
so how something behaves right now is of lesser importance.

> Whilst it may be helpful to modify the paint tools in this way my aim was to
> modify the transform tools so that the preview appears in all views - thereby
> adding to the usability of the Unified Transform tool.
> If someone could give me any pointers on how this might be achieved I would be
> pleased to look further at it.

Again, IRC - direct, real-time interaction with the developers.

> I have only just started looking at the gimp sources and trying to build it on
> Windows (with some success but I still have a few things to sort out) so I'm 
> not
> familiar with the inner workings of the program. 

The changes you have done to make painting work across all views would
be interesting to see. This is where attaching a patch to an enhancement
request in Bugzilla is a good approach.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD
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