Hello Paula,

On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 11:46 PM, Paula Koval <paula.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings, All!  I have found that if I try to use an image file that has
> the extension/file type   *.webp  Gimp will not open it because it is an
> unknown file type.  Is there a fix for this that I can apply?

WebP is indeed quite a recent format and GIMP does not have official
support in the stable 2.8.x versions.
Nevertheless support has been recently added in development versions,
and the last one of these has been released just today (GIMP 2.9.6):
If you really need WebP support and are ok with trying a development
version (which means it may have expected and unexpected bugs even
though many of us actually find it quite stable), then you may give it
a try: https://www.gimp.org/news/2017/08/24/gimp-2-9-6-released/

Note that we don't have all the installers for MacOS/Windows yet, but
hopefully these should arrive shortly (the Windows one has already
been made).
Have fun!


> Thank you,
> --
> *"It's so nice to know so many nice people."*
> *---Eddie Gallaher (1914-2003)     Radio Personality, Washington, DC
> 1947-2000*
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