On 10/20/2017 12:30 PM, Kevin Cozens wrote:
GIMP is moving towards higher colour depth. Would a high bit depth monitor be worth it? That would depend on your use case(s). Is GIMP the only program you would run that would benefit from a high bit depth monitor? Do you run other programs that would benefit from such a monitor? Will your computers graphical environment (aka. desktop) support full use of a high bit depth monitor?

GIMP 2.9/2.10 does process images at 32-bit floating point. But at this point the GIMP code that sends the image to the screen for display works at 8-bit integer, using "CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32".

Cairo does provide "CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB30 -> like RGB24 but with 10bpc. (Since 1.12)".

Which if any editing programs use CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB30? How would it impact performance if GIMP started using CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB30?

There's an open darktable issue on the topic:

Over on the ArgyllCMS mailing list is a nice discussion of 30-bit displays, distinguishing between calibration and profiling: https://www.freelists.org/post/argyllcms/Argyll-and-30bit-colors,3

Not every free/libre image editor uses cairo to send images to the screen. Can Krita make use of 10-bit monitor displays, using whatever it is that qt apps use?

Will cairo still be used if/once Linux switches over to Wayland?

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