On 05/09/18 20:17, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
"The GIMP community" does not care, seem is not applicable, for any distro
or operating system.  "The GIMP community" does not package or provide
packages for *any* operating system or distro.  individuals donating their
time package gimp for <insert-your-distro-or-operating-system>.  if gimp
is not available or the version you wish is not available, contact the
packager for your system and beg him to update his packages, or pay him or
package it yourself, or install via source code, or just do without.  it
is free and open source software.

now you know and will not disseminate false and mis-leading information.

So, the "Gimp community" should look behind its back, because some miscreants have create a "dowload.gimp.org" site where you can find read-to-install versions of Gimp 2.8 for Windows and OSX, and of Gimp 2.10 for Windows.

Isn't that a bit misleading, too?

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