On 05/21/2018 09:04 AM, Rick Strong wrote:

> Oh wait, when I got rid of my main window, there was the dialogue
> for the New Guides script hiding underneath everything. Is there any
> way for this dialogue (and all others) to be “always on top” and
> then disappearing once the guide has been set? Actually, one might
> want the dialogue to stay active and on top until all the guides have
> been set.

The way is to figure out why it doesn't do this - that could be
platform-specific - and then fix whatever is necessary to make it stay
on top. But note that you most likely do not want it to become modal,
i.e. block the whole GIMP UI, just because on image has a dialog open.

> The other glitch in this otherwise handy tool is that the New Guides 
> script can only set a specific distance in pixels, not inches,
> points or any other measure. Maybe in the next version?

See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=770915 - some feedback on
whether this script works as expected would be useful, preferably
directly as comments in the bug report.

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