
I have created an AppImage package for the 2.10.4 release, available here: 


> On 04 Jul 2018, at 23:26, Michael Natterer <mi...@gimp.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> We just released GIMP 2.10.4, the second bugfix release in
> the stable 2.10 series.
> As announced before, stable GIMP 2.10.x is open for new
> features that are not too invasive or change the API,
> and we indeed included new stuff this time too.
> For a complete list of changes since 2.10.2 please see the
> "Changes" section below.
> There is also a release announcement on www.gimp.org:
> https://www.gimp.org/news/2018/07/04/gimp-2-10-4-released/
> (at least there will be soon enough)
> Happy GIMPing,
> --Mitch
> Download
> ========
>  GIMP 2.10.4 is available from:
>  https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v2.10/
>  and from the mirrors listed at:
>  https://www.gimp.org/downloads/devel/#mirrors
>  The sha256 and sha512 checksums of the tarball are:
> ffb0768de14a2631b3d7ed71f283731441a1b48461766c23f0574dce0706f192  gimp-
> 2.10.4.tar.bz2
> 9d0cc8d97b82423687b579907edaab6044f19a8207426edf4f7428de23fa82481112bb0
> a53b06bb7037b68d92336517b1eddef4600519707e7feedb64e5414f7  gimp-
> 2.10.4.tar.bz2
> Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.10.2 to GIMP 2.10.4
> ===================================================
> Core:
>  - Remove gimp_display_shell_draw_background() and all clipping hacks
>    for drawing the canvas background. This optimizes away one entire
>    step of drawing of image size, for each expose.
>  - Font loading does not block startup anymore. Only consequence is
>    that the Text tool may not be usable immediately if fonts are not
>    fully loaded yet (and will output an appropriate error if you do
>    so). All non-text related activities can be performed right away.
>  - Change of the URL from bugzilla to gitlab where appropriate.
>  - New tool option manager to better keep track of user context and
>    paint options in a consistent manner.
> User Interface:
>  - The Dashboard dockable dialog now has a 'Memory' group that shows
>    memory-usage information: the currently used memory size, the
>    available physical memory size, and the total physical memory
>    size.  It can also show the tile-cache size, for comparison
>    against the other memory stats. Note that the upper-bound of the
>    meter is the physical memory size, so the memory usage may be over
>    100% when GIMP uses the swap.
>  - The Dashboard dockable dialog now has "read" and "written" fields
>    in the dashboard swap group, which report the total amount of data
>    read-from/written-to the tile swap, respetively. Additionally, the
>    swap busy indicator (used as the meter's LED) has been improved,
>    so that it's active whenever data has been read-from/written-to
>    the swap during the last sampling interval, rather than at the
>    point of sampling.
>  - Fonts can now be tagged. The user interface is the same as for
>    brushes, patterns etc.
>  - Some icons fixed: larger spacing between broken chains and
>    gimp-tool-ellipse-select made symmetrical.
> Usability:
>  - When a plug-in cannot be applied to an image because of mismatch
>    in image types (e.g. layer has no alpha or image is greyscale),
>    GIMP now displays a message listing supported image types for this
>    plug-in.
> Tools:
>  - The Measurement tool now has an "Auto straighten" option allowing
>    to rotate the active drawable (layer, channel…) so that the
>    measurement line is used as horizon. As other transform tools, the
>    feature will work on linked drawables as well.
>  - The Smudge tool now paints correctly on images with a color
>    profile other than the GIMP's built-in one.
> Build:
>  - Installer: set compatibility options to run Python plugins in
>    HiDPI-aware mode.
>  - Put back compatibility DLLs for really old plugins.
>  - Install binary tool `gimp-test-clipboard` on the system to allow
>    people to help us debug clipboard bugs.
>  - --enable-bundled-mypaint-brushes renamed
>    --enable-relocatable-bundle and also make WMF fonts looked up on
>    the runtime prefix of GIMP (instead of the build-time path) when
>    this build option was set.
> Plug-ins:
>  - gimptool-2.0 binary now accepts source files with non-standard
>    extensions if it can try to guess appropriate language from the
>    compiler being used. It will also properly quote arguments for
>    shell usage.
>  - Run explicitly Python 2 as Python plug-in interpreter to prevent
>    breakage on systems where Python 3 is the default.
>  - raw_input()'s argument in Python console is now optional, and
>    input() support has been added.
> File Formats:
>  - The PSD loader now provides an option to load "merged",
>    pre-composited version of the images that becomes available when a
>    PSD file was saved with "Maximize Compatibility" option enabled in
>    Photoshop. This is useful when loading PSD files that use features
>    that GIMP doesn't currently support, and therefore can't render
>    correctly, such as adjustment layers. When loading the merged
>    image version, we avoid loading certain additional data from the
>    file, such as channels, paths, and guides, while still loading
>    metadata. This option is currently exposed as an additional file
>    type ("Photoshop image (merged)"), which has to be explicitly
>    selected from the file-type list when opening the image.
>  - Embedding GIMP's built-in sRGB color profile to exported files is
>    now optional. The default choice can be set in the Preferences
>    dialog.
> Translations:
>  - Updated translations: Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish,
>    Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Russian,
>    Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.
> Contributors:
> =============
>  Alex Samorukov, Alexandre Prokoudine, Edward E, Ell, Félix
>  Piédallu, Gil Eliyahu, Jehan, Jernej Simončič, Massimo Valentini,
>  Michael Natterer, Michael Schumacher, Oleksii Samorukov, Piotr
>  Drąg, Salamandar, Simon Mueller, 張俊芝.
> Translators:
> ============
>  Alan Mortensen, Alexandre Prokoudine, Anders Jonsson, Balázs
>  Meskó, Daniel Korostil, Daniel Mustieles, Daniel Șerbănescu,
>  Dimitris Spingos (Δημήτρης Σπίγγος), Ell, Gábor Kelemen, Hannie
>  Dumoleyn, Jehan, Jordi Mas, Marco Ciampa, Marek Cernocky, Michael
>  Natterer, Piotr Drąg, Rodrigo, Rūdolfs Mazurs, Timo Jyrinki.
> _______________________________________________
> gimp-developer-list mailing list
> List address:    gimp-developer-l...@gnome.org
> List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list
> List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-developer-list

gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:    gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

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