>Hello. I hope you are in good health and good spirits.
>I am using GIMP 2.8.14 on a MacBook Pro that runs OS 10.14.1
>I have selected a complex line image and have used the Move tool to
>move the image horizontally. The result is that I have a screen
>showing the original position of the line and also a sort of
>moving-dashes version of that line. The moving-dashes version of the
>line is in the correct new position that I want to line to be in.
>How do I finish the move? 
>I will attach a screen shot of the situation as it is now.
>Thank you.

How do you finish the move - try choosing another tool.

It reads to me that your work-flow might not be the best, although with Gimp
there are always many ways for everything.

A suggestion, https://youtu.be/50Lw4LJvmis 1 min 20 secs. It is Gimp 2.10 but
exactly the same in Gimp 2.8

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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