On 12/15/18 10:11 AM, stricklyprs...@look.ca wrote:
> I can no longer change brush sizes in Gimp 2.8
> I downloaded Gimp 2.10 and still cannot change brush sizes. 
> 2.8 the tool box would show up with all the settings for the brushes which
> were in white. But it changed to grey and would not allow changes.
> 2.10 does the same thing. 

It seems like "something changed" in your installed GIMP files and/or
configuration settings.  Since I don't know what would cause the problem
you describe, I can't suggest a way "back to normal" from there.

But until that underlying problem gets fixed, here's something to try:
Make some new brushes with the Brush Editor.  With any luck they may
work normally, or failing that, the editor's behavior might provide
clues to what's going on.


I love "parametric brushes," that's the kind that the brush editor
makes.  Their size, hardness and even shape can be edited.  I configure
keyboard + mouse wheel commands to increase and decrease the size and
hardness of the active brush.  That makes work like retouching photos go
WAY faster, vs. constantly changing brushes.


When I made my 'main' brush set I named them with leading zeroes so they
would always be at the top of the menu in the Brushes dialog dock.  With
a circle, square, diamond and four ellipses (vertical, horizontal and
two diagnoals) I rarely have to use any other brushes.


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