On Mon, 21 Jan 2019 10:51:45 -0500, cingib via gimp-user-list wrote:

> I have a Galaxy 8 (samsung) that uses an Amoled screen, which makes my
> photos really pop (extremely sharp and color is amazing). Unfortunately,
> when I try to pull them up on my computer screen, they look flat and fuzzy.
> I've been trying to use different photo editing programs (including Gimp),
> but they really just don't capture it. Is there a way to EASILY transform
> these photos to look at least a little bit as good as they do on the phone?
> (Please don't reply with a lot of technical advice... just the basics would
> be helpful!).  THanks!

There isn't really much you can do to the picture to make it look better on
the screen. Increasing saturation might help a bit, but the only real way
is to get a better screen for your computer.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

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