On 6/16/19 7:09 AM, Michael Natterer wrote:
> Hi,
> A few days late, but...
> We just released GIMP 2.10.12, the sixth bugfix release in
> the stable 2.10 series.
> As announced before, stable GIMP 2.10.x is open for new
> features that are not too invasive or change the API,
> and we got some good new stuff for you this time, too.
> For a complete list of changes since 2.10.10 please see the
> "Changes" section below.
> There is also a release announcement on www.gimp.org:
> https://www.gimp.org/news/2019/06/12/gimp-2-10-12-released/
> Happy GIMPing,
> --Mitch
Congratulations on the release!   I look forward to trying the latest



/When I leave, I don't know what I'm hoping to find,
And when I leave, I don't know what I'm leaving behind.../
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