
On another game, I keep using Gimp 2.8 with the dds plugin (to add by

You can try ? May be it's compatible with the game you're working on ?

GIMP 2.8.22: https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gi ... -setup.exe
DDS Plugin win64: https://storage.googleapis.com/google-c ... -3.0.1.zip
DDS Plugin win32: https://storage.googleapis.com/google-c ... -3.0.1.zip

Le 08/08/2019 à 13:31, FR-153 a écrit :
> I'm new to GIMP (2.10.12 with NormalMap win64 1.2.3 plugin) but long time user
> of PhotoShop CS6 with nVidia plugin for DDS files.  In nVidia's plugin for PS,
> to convert a file to DDS for MS Flight Simulator FSX, you set as 2D,
> ARGB 32 Unsigned with no MIP maps and you need to flip vertically.
> I have imported a known working PS (PSD) file into GIMP and am trying to get 
> the
> DDS file converted in GIMP but cannot figure out the settings required by the
> NormalMap exporter.  For those that know MSFS X, the c182_t.dds gives an all
> black skin in FSX (aka unusable texture file).  I have tried to decrease the
> size/resolution of the file as well, with no success.  I might add, that if I
> examine the GIMP created dds file back in PS CS6, it looks normal, but it will
> not work in FSX.
> Need some help on the NormalMap setup.  .  

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