>Hi everyone, I'm very new to GIMP and photo editing.
>For a project that I'm working on, I need to rotate a batch of images
>the good news is that the rotation that I need is constant and Gimp
>perfectly for that.
>I tried with a single image and everything that I need is to do is to
>open the
>.jpg, use the rotation tool with the following options: 0.2°, cubic
>interpolation and crop with the original image ratio. After that with
>another crop around the image borders the process is complete.
>Clearly I can't do that for 50k+ images and I need some automated way.
>I saw
>that there is the possibility in Gimp to import external tools/scripts
>or to
>work via console.
>With the premise that I know how to use Python, what do you think is
>the best
>way for me? Plug-ins like Bimb only rotate the images for fixed amount
>of ° and
>I'm worried that I can't set parameters such as the interpolation. Can
>I do that
>via scripts or the options are very basic for them too?
>I tried so search on the web for suggestions but the results are old
>and maybe
>something new is already available

You can still use BIMP and 'Other GIMP procedure' As the screenshot. Deprecated
procedure but still works. You could write your own script using those rotate

However 50 thousand images? Is Gimp the correct tool for this. ImageMagick (IM)
is better suited for large batch operations.

Ask the question on the IM forum https://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/
In the user section where they are very helpful.

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1263/original/bimp.jpg

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