>Two things from your screenshot.
>1. You have Gimp Window Maximised. Same as any other window
>un-maximise it -
>middle icon of 3, top right corner.
>2. Tab will restore the docks.
>Default Gimp saves settings on exit so sometime in the past you set
>this up.
>Other ways. Edit menu -> Preferences -> Window Management Click 'Reset
>Windows Positions to Defaault Values' OK that. Restart Gimp
>Mint 19 and 'buntu 18.04 can install Gimp 2.10 (now at Gimp 2.10.14)
>from a PPA
> If you want Gimp 2.10 then there are directions here
rich404, This cured my problem. It would not work by toggling the center top
icon but the windows/preferences method worked. Thanks so much for your help.
Now on to some photo editing. Regards, Tim

super90 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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