Hi Rich,
Thanks for the reply. Problem not solved yet. I do close the circle but still
things go wrong. If I first close the circle like you say I do not get the
crawling ants outline. If I press enter after closing the selection I do get the
crawling ants. If I then press delete it deletes everything "but" the selection.
The layer that I am working in has a yellow and black outline that is constantly
present. Does this mean anything?
The scissor tool has a "No go" sign right above it.

>It could be peculiar to OSX but best guess is you are not completing
>selection ( I can replicate your problem)
>You need to make sure the scissors tool completes - click on the
>control point. Note how the tool icon changes for different actions
>from a '+'
>to that double circle. There is also information bottom of the Gimp
>window. (1)
>Then click in the outline or hit the enter key or select some other
>tool to
>create the selection (2)
>That gives the 'crawling ants' denoting an active selection (3) Delete
>key will
>then do as it says (4) There is also Edit -> Cut which lets you paste
>selection back if required.
>If you want transparency you need to invoke  Layer -> Transparency ->
>Add alpha
>channel before cutting the selection.
>When complete remember to close the selection Select -> None.
>Are you suffering from PS syndrome, expecting Gimp to work the same
>way as some
>other graphic editors? Always check with the documents first.
>If you want a copy of Gimp help in PDF format there is an English (or
>version here. http://gimp.linux.it/www/meta/  1000 pages / indexed /
>quote...Reinstalled Gimp in case I messed up some of the settings but
>changed after the reinstall. ..unquote
>Settings are held in your Gimp profile which is created first time you
>run Gimp.
>Reinstalling Gimp does not affect these settings. Usually resetting
>the tools
>from Edit -> Preferences works.

JWtje (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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