On 1/5/20 9:46 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-user-list wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 7:22 PM Christopher Curtis wrote:
>> In that thread from 2012 I proposed a 3-month release cycle. This is, and 
>> was,
>> a slightly slower pace than that used by the Linux kernel. The number is 
>> arbitrary
>> but I still think the results will be worthwhile. With 3 releases in 2019, a 
>> 4-month
>> process may be a good place to start.
> (snip)
> That said, I don't think it's entirely possible for the unstable
> branch. Mitch keeps uncovering bad code all the time, and once you
> start pulling a funny-smelling rope, there's always a chance there's a
> rotting corpse on the other end of it, if you pardon my analogy :)
> Alex

Love the analogy.   I'll have to borrow that from you, if you don't
mind.  :)



/When I leave, I don't know what I'm hoping to find,
And when I leave, I don't know what I'm leaving behind.../
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