Hi Mark,

I suspect that you are trying to make a small image bigger and using "Image > print size" to resize it. Use "Image > Scale Image" instead.

Enter "300" px/in in the X resolution box making sure it is linked to the "Y" resolution box so both resolutions are the same. Then, go up to the "Height" box and put in "9" plus a bit for bleed, say 0.25 (1/8" bleed top and bottom). Make sure the width is at least 6" plus 0.25 for bleed on the outside and spine side. Your printer's bleed settings may be slightly different. The 300 dpi should stay the same. Click on "Scale". Make sure you know whether you should be working in CMYK or something else. Save as .png or hi-rez .jpg.

Good luck,
Rick S,

-----Original Message----- From: Mark Banschbach, OFS via gimp-user-list
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2020 7:57 AM
To: gimp-user-list@gnome.org
Subject: [Gimp-user] Book cover image density /resolution etc..

Greetings all,
I am a noob where Gimp is concerned. I have used it as a photo editor on a fairly cursory level and absolutely love it. UNTIL, I decided to try to use it to design the cover for my first book. I tried, I tested and stretched and ran myself mad trying to get it to do what I wanted and in the end I gave up and gave it to someone else to do in Photoshop because it was a quick fix and I only have a limited amount of spare time I can dedicate to these projects. I am now preparing to publish my second book and I am back to the same issues I was having before.. I have a Hi Definition JPG image ( I am currently away from the image or I could provide the resolution) that I have attempted to put into GIMP and the book cover I have is 6x9 inch cover, and the image needs to be a minimum of 300 dpi and when I go in to adjust the size of the image according to the instructions I have, (entering the dpi level in the X and then the cover size in the appropriate location, it resets the DPI level to something smaller. I had this same issue before. but could not get around it.. I spent hours going over how to interlace multiple images and it would cause a sane man to go mad...
And so I am hoping that I can get some help in figuring out this process.
Thanks in advance..
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