>This link is for 15 other themes. It says their for 2.8, but 2.10 
>will use 'em to.  To learn where to park them in the app. Head down to
>the folders section of Preferences, open the themes option, there
>should be two directory paths there. Placing the unziped themes in
>either one of these directories will allow them to be shown as theme
>options.  This vidio will walk you through the process, and when the
>description is expanded there is a link to a onedrive zip file. If
>unable to open zips, two FOSS apps to open this are 7Zip, or peazip 
>Vid is here:

The four options you see here are from Gimp> Preference > Theme

While here, click on Icon theme, the menu just below theme and you will manage
to change the display color of your icons. see screenshot

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1363/original/theme_gimp.png

Samke (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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