On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 11:59 AM vincents <for...@gimpusers.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone
> I'm using Gimp 2.10.14 under Ubuntu and I'm trying to use the Streewear font
> (https://www.dafontfree.io/streetwear-font-free/) for a creation but I can't
> access some glyphs.
> I checked with online tools such https://opentype.js.org and the characters 
> I'm
> interested in (for example id 264 -> E.ALT) don't have unicode so it's
> impossible to display them in the text with shift+ctrl+u :(
> I need an Illustrator/Photoshop or is it possible with Gimp?


Any half-decent font manager, including free ones, will give you the
possibility to open the full map of characters, pick the one you need,
then copy/paste it.

Here is Font Manager doing just that:



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