Below i have attached the logo and creature PNG  files that i added to the
banner. The XCF is the banner in GIMP set at the required dimensions. And here
is how I got the 4th file (the final product). I kept hitting dead ends with
inkscape and GIMP so i decided to download a trial version of a banner maker on
my Iphone XS Max. I uploaded the 2 PNGs to icloud and downloaded them into the
banner making app on my phone. They shrunk down perfectly and i was able to add
the text within the app. Now the app wasnt perfect eaither because when i tried
exporting to JPEG or PNG the banner was blurry when looking at it. I ended up
exporting as a high quality PDF, then I made a screenshot and cropped it. I will
post the cropped PDF in a new reply as it is on my phone. If you are able to
recreate my final product (seems like a simple enough task given the power of
these apps) then I am convinced that I was just screwing the pooch with my
inexperience. Either way it has been an experience and I will continue to learn
both of these apps. Thanks again for your advice and have a wonderful day!


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