On 7/14/20 4:43 AM, conscious wrote:

1 question about GIMP, pls.

I DO NEED the tool distortion/transformation in different modes.

I mainly "photoshop" photos of my paintings. Which I have to photograph not sqairly 
because of light. SO on the photo the painting does not fill out the whole squair but has cut 
corners. SO I have to "distort/transform" the photo in such way that the painting appears 
squair again. DOes GIMP have such function/tool? What is it called there?

Thank you.

Sincerely, Irena

MY ART https://artistirena.com
BLOG https://artconsciousness.art.blog

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Hi!  GIMP does have transform tools:


The 'Unified Transform' tool looks neat, but I haven't used it. I've watched a video about it on YouTube and it looks powerful.

Hope the link above helps!



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