On Fri, 2020-12-25 at 20:14 +0000, Nuno Semedo wrote:
> Rick: I think that is the "Main Toolbox" that does not show, so when
> I use
> a pencil I can't select size, shape...

That is tool options - you can show it by going to the Window menu
(Janelas i think for you) and under that the first option is Dockable
Dialogs, and in that submenu the first item it Tool Options.

The main Toolbox you have visible on the left, with the icons for the
different tools.

When asking for help, it's necessary to explain
1. what you did exactly
2. what you expected to happen
3. what actually happened
4. why this is a problem
5. the operating system and software version

You've done some of that but not all. I don't know exactly what is
going wrong for you. But maybe all you need is to find Tool Options.
This is the single most important dialog box in all of GIMP.


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