If it is a preference option, then the solution would be to turn the save
option on, make the change, exit the program, restart the program and turn
the option off.

BTW if you were referring to my post, it wasn't my intent to say "it
works!" My intent was to say "It works *for me*." If it appeared to be
confronting, I apologise. That wasn't my intent.

Incidentally, I appear to have replied to all. My mistake, sorry.


On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 10:52 PM Simon Budig <si...@budig.de> wrote:

> Hi all.
> Cliff Pratt via gimp-user-list (gimp-user-list@gnome.org) wrote:
> > No.
> > 1) I open GIMP
> > 2) The font size as I see it is 80pts.
> > 3) I change it to 100.
> > 4) I exit.
> > 5) I reopen GIMP.
> > 6) The font size is 100.
> >
> > ??????
> If tool options get saved on exit is actually a preference option, as
> mentioned in this thread already. This is something where I've never
> really found out what I actually prefer. I personally like it when a
> program starts up in a defined state (which requires disabling this
> option), but having the tool options saved has its benefits as well.
> Note that Gimp has a ton of places where its behaviour depends on
> options. Weird tool behaviour is frequently related to the tool options
> which at some point might even have been changed by accident.
> And to everybody in this thread: Please be careful before entering in
> "it works", "no it doesnt", "yes it does! I can show you", "it is just
> broken!!1!" shouting matches. Gimp is not the same for everybody and
> sometimes small changes can make huge differences to the user
> experience. Be aware of that and be understanding towards towards the
> people describing a gimp behaviour differing from your experiences.
> Usually there is an explantation somewhere.
> Thank you,
>         Simon
> --
>               si...@budig.de              http://simon.budig.de/
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