On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 05:29:05 -0600
Judy Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having *exactly* the same problem when using the paint tool or the
> clone tool. I posted this problem recently, but your description was
> more accurate.  And, yes, it started happening with Mandrake 9.0.  
> My husband, the geek in the family, says it's probably a problem with
> XFree86, the graphic system, and we have to wait for a fix. It's
> difficult when trying to edit and graphic and it does what you want
> but doen't render that way!
> Glad you posted this problem.
> Judy Wilson
> * Nigel Ridley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021031 05:16]:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Has anybody else experienced problems when trying to change the color
> > of individual pixels when creating or editing a graphic?
> > When I try to change the color of individual pixels using the pencil (
> > with the smallest *point*) the pixel may or may not actually change;
> > sometimes, actually quite often, the pixels are changed in a seemingly
> > random order, substituting the surrounding pixels instead of the one
> > that I clicked on (if I drag the pencil, then blocks of pixels are
> > randomly changed).
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It's quite strange as the problem doesn't exist in other *graphic* apps
such as KPaint.
I'm not sure if Xfree in 9.0 is a different version from Mandrake's 8.2

Nigel Ridley.

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