a much easier way, is to select a box shape, and go to selection
->stroke, with the color you want your borders to be

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:13:44 -0600 (CST) Thus said Sam Jones

> > i'd like to know how i can draw a diagram with
> > straight lines and boxes with gimp. i've searched
> > around but the closest i could get was how to draw
> > pixels with paint brush - this doesn't help me much
> > when trying to make lone straight lines
> Let's see. . . .
> Drawing a Box
> 1.  Choose the rectangle select tool.
> 2.  Draw a box that matches the borders you want.
> 3.  Fill the box with the FG color (Edit->Fill->Foreground or 
> control-comma)
> 4.  Choose Select->Shrink.
> 5.  Fill the box with the BG color (Edit->Fill->Background or 
> control-period).
> 6.  You have a rectangle with a border the foreground color filled
> with BG color.
> Drawing a long line
> 1.  With pencil tool (brush if you want fuzzy edges to the line),
> select the start point.
> 2.  Holding down the shift key, select the end point.
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