> Hi!  Here are some questions I have:
> *)  Where can I find "good" gimp tutorials?

"Good" is relative, but here are some pointers to get you started.

> *)  How close in functionality to PhotoShop is the gimp?

You can do in GIMP most of what you can do in Photoshop.  There are some
        Photoshop handles 16 bit color, Pantone and CMYK conversions - GIMP does not.
        Photoshop has a way to record your actions - GIMP only allows you to
                redo the last action (so far).
GIMP has features Photoshop does not:
        Networked access
        Batch mode

The trick is to expect your techniques to be similar between the two
applications, but not identical.

> *)  What versions of PhotoShop .PSD files are supported by the PhotoShop
> plug-in?

Unknown.  I guess I could read the code and find out, but I'm too lazy
right now.  It's the holidays.  :-)

> *)  How can I change the foreground color of some text to a pattern?

The easiest way to do this is to start with text on it's own transparent
layer.  If you do so, then you can simply select "Alpha to Selection" in
the Layers menu and do a Bucket Fill using a pattern instead of a color.
If you don't have your text on a layer by itself like this, then you need
to make a selection of the text.  Selection techniques are many, and are
likely to be one of your most valued skills as you get more involved in
your artwork.

> *)  What are layer "masks" and how do they work?

They are cardboard cutouts that determine which part of the layer will
actually be used.  In the layer mask white areas designate areas of the
layer that are visible (and/or combined with other layers) and black areas
are "masked out".  To create a mask, just start painting in the layer mask
with either black or white.  Note that "gray" areas (places where pixels
are mixed between black and white) in the mask make the corresponding
pixels in the layer partially visible (aka partially transparent).

> *)  How does the "Xtns/Script-Fu" menu differ from the "Script-Fu" pop-up
> menu?

Huh?  I'm not sure what the "Script-Fu" pop up menu is.

> *)  Is it possible to align text along a curve in an image?  If so, how is
> it done?

It's done with a filter currently.  See Xtns->ScriptFu->Logos->Text Circle
This only works around a single arc, so it's not what you might expect, but
it's a start.

> *)  How can I find out the step-by-step process to make the logo effects in
> the "Xtns/Script-Fu/Logos" menu?  I can see the resultant layer data, but
> have NO idea of how to do that myself.

Read the code.  Really, that's how pretty much everyone else learned.
ScriptFu code is regular text that you can read.  But it's a programming

If you want to know how the techniques were discovered by the ScriptFU
programmers, well, that's probably just experience.  Lots of time fiddling
with existing scripts or techniques to invent new ones.

> *)  What does "feathering" mean?

It means making the edges of a selection soft.  In brief, it allows pixels
within the feathered region to go from fully selected to not selected.  If
you feather a distance of 10 pixels for a circular selection then 5 pixels
toward the inside of the selection will be fully selected and, as you move
outward, the pixels are considered less selected.  Being "less selected" is
essentially like be more transparent.

What this means in practice is that if you fill the selection (or cut it
out) you get soft edges.  In a fill of a feathered selection, the color
flows from the selected color towards the existing colors in the layer.

> *)  What books on the gimp are recommended?  Beginner and intermediate
> level books would be great.

Can't answer that.  I have two published, so I'm a bit biased (though I
think you can only actually get one of them these days).  Carol's new web
site has some listed (and the site design is rather nice - hope to see it
go live soon!) - I think is the URL.

> *)  Where can I find online resources/tutorials on creating animations with
> gimp?

I think that link I gave earlier has some animation tutorial links on it.  There
aren't many tutorials on this subject yet.  

Thus spoke Nathan Carl Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> OK here is my FAQ:
> How does one set defaults in Gimp for e.g., output formats?

See File->Preferences.  However, the default format is XCF which is GIMP's
built in format to save layer information.  To specify a different output
format you either append the appropriate suffix to the filename (and let
GIMP guess which format that means) or set the option menu to the format
you want to use.

Other defaults are configurable in the Preferences dialog.

Hope that helps a little.
Michael J. Hammel           |
The Graphics Muse           |  Women should put pictures of missing husbands 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  on beer cans. 
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