On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 02:00, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> Well, this will depend on which WM you are using in Gnome. Gnome 2.0 was using
> Sawfish as default, but some distribution (RedHat and Mandrake for instance)
> replaced it by Metacity which is the new default (gnome 2.2). Unfortunately, it
> seems none have this basic feature, but I could be wrong (it's just by
> searching with google).
> good luck.

I am using RedHat 8.0. I tried installing the latest Metacity (2.4.21)
from source. But still, alas, no option via right clicks to stick the
panel "always on top".

> By the way, this is
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79031
> Regards,
> Olivier.
> I just have had a possible idea to implement this easily maybe, so I'll shout
> it here, hoping that Sven or any other developer who really know coding may
> read and judge if it could work. ;)

That is a good idea. Perhaps in the future it could be implemented? :)

- Andres Montiel
> Dumb idea :
> xmms, the panels and a few others applications do use window manager hints to
> stay always on top. Couldn't there be an _optional_ possibility that the
> toolbox window did use this kind of hint to tell the window manager that it
> wants to stay always on top?
> for instance _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE as defined in
> http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/wm-spec/1.3/html/x231.html

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