
I've been using Gimp for a while.  I keep hearing that Gimp has a 72dpi 
limitation and Photoshop doesn't, but I really don't understand how that 
is.  I am interested in trying out some printed postes, and I want to 
understand this issue beforehand.

This is how I understand the situation, perhaps someone can explain to me 
where I'm wrong:

1) Gimp understands images as a matrix of pixels.  There is no concept of 
physical units like 'inches'.

2) If I have an image that is 600x600 pixels, and I print it out so it 
comes out at 1x1 inches, I have printed a 600dpi image.

3) The jpeg, gif and png formats are matrices of pixels.  They don't have 
a notion of 'inches'.

4) The eps format does have a notion of index.

Given facts (1)-(4), I can produce a 10x15in poster at 600dpi this way:
- Start with a jpeg/png that is 6000x9000 pixels.
- Do some gimping.
- Export to eps and set width and height to 10x15in.
- Print the eps file.

I don't see where the 72dpi limitation is.  It seems that Gimp has no 
knowlege of dpi except when it exports to eps.

Where exactly is Gimp's limitation?
In which way does Photoshop /not/ have this limitation?

Thanks for the help,
Daniel Carrera
Graduate Teaching Assistant.  Math Dept.
University of Maryland.  (301) 405-5137
parol: parol (puh-ROL) noun
   A spoken statement.
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