Not that I know.

But maybe, and here I do ask on to the other people on the list,
a hack like this could work:

Pick the scalling tool on gimp, and modify the code in a way that antialiasing works to darken a pixel (thus spreading a black letter over
to white areas), but preventing it from lightening pixels (thus preventing it from erasing letters).

Could this work?


Matthias Brunner wrote:

we have a lot of document scans, all sized 2432x3482 pixels, and would like to reduce them to screen size (for example to 682x1000).
The problem is that the standard scale algorithm renders the document unreadable (some text characters can still be recognised, others not any more).

Is there some "intelligent scaling process" in gimp which takes care of text scans (keeping lines together, preventing distortion of characters, ...)?

Are there any other programmes which are able to do that?

BTW: Rescanning with 72dpi is not an option.

Matthias Brunner
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