On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 10:47:56AM +0200, Andrew Langdon-Davies wrote:
| I know there's already been a lot of discussion on this subject and I've 
| read pages and pages, but I'm still unclear. I realise that just about all 
| recent browsers support PNGs. But, is it or is it not possible for IE (v. 
| 5, for example) to correctly display a PNG with a fully transparent 
| background so that anything behind it shows through? My PNGs are OK in 
| Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Konqueror and Nautilus, but in IE they have a 
| rectangular white background that completely wrecks the effect.
| TIA,
| Andrew

It is possible to achieve this using DirectX on IE under Windows.

The reason that IE does not support alpha may be due to a
design issue, rather than their reluctance to support PNG.
You can achieve 1-bit transparency for example.


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