David Neary wrote:
> Bertie Coopersmith wrote:
> > Actually, I may have been wrong in my previous reply about this. That
> > error may have occurred on gimp startup without my being aware of it.
> > 
> > Therefore its not clear to me whether it had any connection with the
> > fact that rectselect was a do-nothing. (It did not take me into any
> > further dialog to do with entering an aspect ratio).
> There is no further dialog - there is a tool options dialog
> however which opens when you double click on the tool in the
> toolbox. The rect select tool is the dotted rectangle - the tool
> which is selected by default at startup. Double click on it, and
> a dialog opens up (in 1.2) In 1.3, this dialog is active by
> default, and docked in the main toolbox window.

Oh - and if you'd like to get your idea about cropping limited by 
aspect ratio considered at some future date for inclusion, you should 
open a report for it in bugzilla (http://bugzilla.gnome.org - click on 
"Create a bugzilla account", follow the instructions, and then click on 
"Enter a new bug"). Otherwise, it is likely to get forgotten again... 
sorry :)


       David Neary,
       Lyon, France
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