sön 2003-12-28 klockan 22.35 skrev Gezim Hoxha:
> Hi guys/girls,
> I'm really frustrated with the storke tool in gimp
> 1.3.23, and I hope it's because of my ignorance.
> Almost all selections (except rectangular ones) turn
> out really ugly when storked...here is an example with
> a circle 
>  http://www.geocities.com/hgezim/stroke.html
> Please help me out.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gezim
> p.s.: I also tried it with the paint brush but the
> results were not better.


There are many ways to make a stroke to the selection. First one is the
way to use Stroke selection. The other one is:

1. Make a selection.
2. Fill it with the color you want the border to be
3. Go <image>->Selection->Shrink and in that dialog shrink with the 1px
if the border is going to be 1px in size.
4. Ctrl+K or <image>->Edit->Clear

This will clear the rest of the color out in the middle of the selection
and you should have a border. Don't know if this is what you want

Niklas Mattisson <scizzoNOSPAM-at-sector7-dot-nu>

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