On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 12:40, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Thomas Spuhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > MDK does not provide gtkhtml2-devel, but does 
> > libgtkhtml2_0-2.4.0-1mdk
> > libgtkhtml2_0-devel-2.4.0-1mdk
> > and 
> > libgtkhtml-3.0_2-3.0.8-1mdk
> > libgtkhtml-3.0_2-devel-3.0.8-1mdk
> These are two different libraries with incompatible APIs. Actually
> gtkhtml2 is a rewrite while gtkhtml3 is a newer version gtkhtml1.
> You will need gtkhtml2 for the GIMP help browser plug-in.
Wouldn't the 

> > also
> > gimp-print-develop is not provided.
> > I have libgimpprint1-develop-4.2.5-30mdk installed
> This looks just perfect for gimp's print plug-in.
> Sven

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